The explosion in the number of files, the increasing number of cyber-threats, but also technological innovation with the generalization of the air gap or archive-tiering... All these factors call into question our definition of what constitutes quality archiving. Before choosing a sustainable and...
Faced with the rapid renewal of their operational data, the transformation of their strategies, and the surge of technological innovation, organizations are developing a paradoxical attention to the documentation of their activities. The basic principles of risk management are driving them to...
The accessibility and usage of unstructured data for regulatory, analytic and decision-making purposes is driving the need to search and scrutinize this data. The volume of unstructured data is set to grow from 33 zettabytes in 2018 to 175 zettabytes or 175 billion terabytes by 2025 (source IDC)....
Myspacerecently caused a stir after announcing they had lost millions of music, video and image files uploaded prior to 2015. The site reported that data was corrupted during a server migration. Lots of questions remain as to why there was no valid backup or archive to restore lost files. Of...
Atempo-Digital Archive (ADA) user case ATEMPO CUSTOMER - MSV POST, UK The post production company MSV Post, part of the Tinopolis Group, is one of the largest independent television producers and suppliers to major broadcasters. MSV Post handles post production for all broadcast genres including...
Atempo MIRIA FOR Front porch DIVA CUSTOMERS Whether you want to migrate your data out of Front Porch DIVA or prepare for future archive integrations with other solutions, we recommend you team up with us to help you transition transparently. Atempo will provide professional services and the...