Whether you want to migrate your data out of Front Porch DIVA or prepare for future archive integrations with other solutions, we recommend you team up with us to help you transition transparently.
Atempo will provide professional services and the software to make the switch from DIVArchive. We integrate your applications and workflows with Miria for Archiving. Miria connects to your storages: private clouds, public clouds, or hybrid setup – and gives full and complete access to all DIVArchive legacy LTOs.
Atempo has a seamless replacement solution and the professional service teams you need to transition from DIVArchive to Atempo Miria (formerly Ada). We provide vendor-agnostic storage target options for your data and we can either plug into your existing MAMs and hardware or transition to new targets (disk, tape, cloud, object…).
Our multitude of M&E customers attest to the power and depth of our Miria solution with inclusive features such as Partial File Restore (PFR), FastScan Backups, Disaster Recovery for Large Storages, Automated Data Migration and Synchronization to name but a few.
- What if I use a proprietary tape format?
Miria uses open formats on tape (as with disk).
For LTO, we natively support either standard LTFS format or a high capacity TAR format which is fully supported by all operating systems. There is no additional need for any client software to read your archives/backup media. On disk, we use native file system structures.
- I want to switch to another archive system but I have lots of Front Porch DIVA LTO archives tapes and do not have time to retrieve the data and archive everything to another system. Can you help?
Sure. Our solution replaces your DIVA database and re-uses your LTO archives with no need to migrate your media. No need for lengthy tape retrieve and re-archiving.
- Is the DIVA database imported into Miria with all metadata and associated advanced capabilities?
Yes - We import all metadata from the DIVA database. It can be retrieved from the Miria Admin and User interfaces.
- Miria re-uses DIVA tapes without needing to migrate them. Great. But how can you check asset integrity?
We absolutely do check asset integrity with each retrieval! The MD5 created at archiving time is one of the metadata migrated to the Miria for Archiving database. So if for any reason a specific copy of an asset is corrupted, you'll get a notification and you'll be able to access to another copy.
- Any limitations regarding the support of my existing Front Porch DIVA LTO media?
No limitations: we support all DIVA tape formats! We are also compatible with more than 200 tape libraries, so it is very frequent to keep the tape library and control it from Miria.
- What are the benefits of using Atempo’s archiving?
We offer a very large choice of storage support, tape libraries and a large choice of disk, object and cloud storages. With massive data movement and scalability capabilities.
Miria is not just about archiving. The same solution delivers backup and disaster recovery, migration and synchronization for heterogeneous storages, cross platform data restoration with ACLs completely intact. Your investment returns plenty of interest!
Atempo also delivers multi-applications archiving controlled from PAM/MAM and workflow integration.
Talk to an expert, talk to Atempo! More information and contact details here: