Companies have massively migrated their servers and data to the cloud, particularly for cost and performance reasons. But the use of the cloud and datacenters scattered around the world continue to have a negative environmental impact. With the arrival of 5G and the rise of technologies such as AI,
Daten sicher von A nach B zu migrieren ist im Normalfall kein Hexenwerk, doch für viele Unternehmen mit komplexen Anforderungen eine echte Herausforderung.
With global data volumes set to reach 175 zettabytes in 2025, traditional storage media are beginning to reach their limits. The rise of myriad data heavy technologies –IA, IoT and Big Data- is pushing data even harder. If only there were a small, foolproof, and low-energy solution to this data...
The Active Archive Alliance, of which Atempo is a long-standing member, has just sponsored a White Paper highlighting the importance of active archiving in defending organizations against ransomware attacks.
Education and Research are currently experiencing annual data growth rates above 30%. The question of storing and managing this data has become crucial. When a storage equipment reaches capacity, you need to consider additional and preferably more powerful equipment to store essential data, improve...
The High-Performance Computing (HPC) market is huge. According the consulting firm Emergen research, HPC spending will exceed $66 billion in 2028. Advances in HPC compute and storage workloads continue to drive data management challenges; as new storage technologies are leveraged come the...
Because traditional storage models are unable to meet their expectations, companies have no choice but to transfer their data from one cloud to another. But during the migration, they face many challenges.
Backup, move and synchronize petabye-scale data sets Miria software has evolved to cover requirements for users with petabyte-scale data sets. What we call the “petavores”. We often showcase our references for Miria customers - in industry, HPC (High Performance Computing), the Media and...