ATM Megacast Catch-Up: Storage Backup Challenges


Atempo was a key speaker at the recent ActualTech Media MegaCast : "Creating and Implementing a Data Protection Strategy and Disaster Recovery Plan".

When it comes to disaster recovery for large file storages, you can lose weeks of production time for a new storage to be installed and the backups restored from tape. What if you could simply switch production to your backup storage and keep working while you restore, replace or repair your primary storage?

Even when data volumes exceed multi-petabyte levels and billions of files, Atempo provides vendor-agnostic storage protection and recovery solutions! 

During this recent Megacast, our Senior US Solutions Architect, Mike Oakes focused on Atempo's large storage backup and disaster recovery solution, Miria. You can view the complete session on demand by clicking on the video below.


VIDEO REPLAY (Duration: 33 minutes)

- Duration: 33 minutes 
Keywords: Storage backup challenges,
            FastScan, Unstructured data,
            Use Case, Miria for Backup, SnapStor

The video below is the complete recording of the webinar 


More information on Miria for Backup:

Request an Atempo Miria demo

Topics: Backup, Company News, Migration, Petascale protection, Miria, Webinars

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