5 Reasons You Need Atempo’s Miria for Migration

Not all data management software products are created equal. The exponential growth of large volumes of unstructured data is forcing many data-driven organizations to adopt new technology solutions that can deliver the migration, backup and archiving tools that can handle and manage massive growth and the need for more accessible data 

5 reasons to use Miria for MigrationData migration has become a critical technical and business requirement. Organizations that are slow to adopt new solutions will ultimately lose out on optimal data management. They will face issues like disparate data systems, data security and validation, escalating volumes and data sprawl. The ability to migrate and move data around existing and new storage destinations is fundamental and organizations need to start examining solutions. However, migration is complex and doesn’t come without its own threats. 
Firstly, complex data sets often exists in large, heterogeneous storage environments and file systemsMigrating escalating volumes of siloed data in its various formats threatens the preservation of data integrity, may have negative impacts on production and operations and can potentially compromise storage performance. Proprietary or free tools have reached their limits and cannot always address migration challenges and there is a significant need for robust, scalable and reliable technology solutions that encompass performance. 

This is where Miria for Migration by Atempo can help. Miria for Migration provides answers to the above concerns and offers a powerful solution based on scalability, reliability, and performance. Miria is a complete software suite that adapts to all file sizes and types and preserves the integrity of your access control lists (ACL’s). If your organization needs to optimize storage space and migrate and protect its unstructured data, Miria for Migration can help.
Here are the top 5 reasons to deploy Miria for Migration:

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1. Miria is not intrusive. Your storage remains in production throughout migration. 
Eliminate disruptions for both the users and the processes. Migration with Miria is contained to specific time periods or even IO processing when this is required by source storage. 
2. Miria is a fully monitored process. 
Miria’s process is self-contained and consistent, proceeding in successive and synchronized cycles that allow for easy management. 
3. Miria offers fast and scale-out storage. 
By simply adding or removing Atempo Data Mover servers, Miria ensures the migration finishes within the scheduled time. It guarantees performance and data integrity even if you’re changing your storage vendor.  
4. Miria offers flexible, cross-platform solutions. 
Miria supports a wide variety of storage platforms like scale-out NAS and shared file systems. This makes moving data between platforms possible, while also preserving ACLs plus user and user group information. 
5. Miria is adaptive and cost-efficient. 
Whether you’re changing storage or need to secure new storage, Miria can remain after migration is complete to handle on-going backup, archiving and storage synchronization.   
Storage migration of massive and unstructured data doesn’t have to be complex. With full automation and in-depth reporting, it’s possible to fully control risk, while powerful data servers ensure fast, scalable and cross-platform migrations. 

Organizations need the right tools to manage these massive data sets correctly. Data  integrity and security are of paramount importance during migration. With Miria, big data and unstructured data protection, movement and migration are seamless. Most importantly, Miria provides a key benefit of keeping data accessible for analysis and value extraction because accessible data provides value and a competitive edge to any company.

Topics: Migration, Solutions, Miria

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